Curriculum Subjects
Our maths curriculum maps detail the content we teach. Maths resources used include Write Rose maths, school developed mental maths programme and Timetables Rockstars.
You can view our Maths Methods in our Handbook
The English curriculum includes Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening.
We have English curriculum maps for reading and writing. We use a variety of schemes and resources to support curriculum delivery. Schemes and Resources include: RWI Phonics, Infant and Junior Language, Speechlink, Spelling Shed, Fresh Start and Spytime
Reading and Spelling Word Lists
This is taught discretely and linked to projects where appropriate.
Geography, History, Art and DT
We teach these subjects linked to a termly project. The projects can be found here: Foundation Subject Overview The objectives are all identified on our online planning tool derived from Cornerstones Curriculum Maestro Cornerstones Curriculum Projects. Our teachers plan their lessons using the online platform which is personalised to our school.
Computing is taught in skill based lessons and during a range of other lessons.
Religious Education (RE)
Religious Education is mainly taught as a discrete subject. Links are made where possible to the themes. We teach the Coventry and Warwickshire Religion and World Views Agreed Syllabus.
Music is taught through a variety of whole class instrument lessons, whole school singing, individual instrument lessons, other lessons linked to themes.
PE and Dance
This is delivered by teaching staff including our school coach and additional specialised staff.
Jigsaw is a PSHE Education programme with a whole school approach, with all year groups working on the same theme (Puzzle) at the same time. The programme has been adjusted to meet the needs of our children at St Christopher and various schemes and resources are used to enhance and compliment PSHE eg: NSPCC Bikeability. The scheme includes one puzzle piece on Relationship and Sex Education.
Relationships and Sex Education Policy